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Citadel College campus: what's it like?

Hi everyone, I'm seriously considering Citadel Military College but I was wondering if anyone could give me a feel for the campus? I didn't find a map on their website. And dumb question, but does it feel like a classic university campus, or does having the military element change things? I appreciate any responses!

5 months ago

Hello! As for the physical layout of the Citadel Military College, it's a fairly compact campus spanning about 300 acres on the banks of the Ashley River in Charleston, South Carolina. It's composed of a mix of academic buildings, barracks where cadets live, athletic facilities, and administrative buildings.

Many comment on the architectural style of the campus, with its buildings often reflecting a neo-classical look that's quite charming. Plus, the campus's location gives access to the historic and cultural opportunities within Charleston!

That said, the atmosphere of the Citadel campus is certainly shaped by its military character and regimented lifestyle. While it possesses aspects of a traditional college (study spaces, green areas, etc.), there are also elements unique to military colleges such as parade grounds and a strong emphasis on protocol and discipline.

The barracks, for instance, aren’t like typical college dorms. Cadets live together as companies, and much of their life revolves around their company’s designated area in the barracks, including their mess hall where they have meals. Every cadet is required to participate in the college's Corps of Cadets, a military program integral to campus life.

From what many cadets and alumni have said, this structured environment contributes to a strong sense of camaraderie and discipline among students—a different experience than what you might find on a more typical college campus. However, it also means a significant time commitment to activities like drills and inspections.

Overall, the environment is certainly going to be different from a traditional university campus, but many find the experience rewarding and conducive to building leadership skills. Before deciding, make sure to consider whether this unique environment fits with your academic and personal goals!

5 months ago

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