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Citadel Military College and Football?

I am a high school rising junior, and football plays a huge part in my life. So, I was curious to know, apart from its military-based curriculum, does Citadel Military College have an active football team? And if so, how is the experience, and what are the chances for a new student to get in the team? Thanks a lot, y'all!

5 months ago

Absolutely, Citadel Military College does indeed field a football team called The Citadel Bulldogs, which competes in the Southern Conference of the NCAA Division I Football Championship Subdivision (FCS). Citadel’s football program has been active since 1905, making it quite rich in tradition and history.

To participate in collegiate sports, you'd ideally need to have competed at the high school varsity level and it would certainly help if your current coach can vouch for your skills and dedication. However, it's crucial to keep in mind that competition can be fierce given the level of play. It's also important to note that students need to balance their commitments to the mandatory Corps of Cadets training and academic work along with football.

If you're passionate about playing football at the collegiate level, getting on the Citadel Bulldogs team could be a rewarding experience given their dedicated fan following and the college's strong sense of brotherhood and community. It is also suggested that you reach out to the coaching staff at Citadel directly to express your interest and ask more detailed questions about the program and the recruitment process.

5 months ago

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