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Female Students at Citadel Military College

Hey guys, I'm considering applying to The Citadel Military College but I'm a bit unsure because I've heard that it's predominantly male. So, does anyone know how many girls actually go to The Citadel? are there enough opportunities and resources for women? Thanks!

5 months ago

Hello! While it's true that The Citadel Military College has a predominantly male student body, the percentage of female students has been growing over the years. As of now, the female population at The Citadel is around 15%. This might seem low compared to other colleges, but keep in mind that this rate is relatively typical for a military institute.

Regardless of the percentage, what's important is how the college supports its female students. The Citadel doesn't discriminate based on gender; rather, it offers equal opportunities and resources to all students. Women at The Citadel participate in all areas of campus life, from athletics to leadership roles.

The college also seeks to ensure the wellbeing and safety of all its cadets, male or female, through various office and programs. For instance, the office of Title IX offers resources and support for gender-related issues. They also have a strong commitment to preventing and addressing instances of sexual harassment and discrimination.

Moreover, there are student-led organizations such as Women in Defense which encourages female participation in defense sectors. There's also the Women's Rugby Club, where women can engage in competitive sports.

In summary, while the percentage of women is less compared to men, the opportunities and resources available for women are comparable. It may be a smaller community, but the sense of camaraderie and commitment to equality make The Citadel a welcoming place for all dedicated and aspiring students.

5 months ago

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