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Working at The Citadel Military College?

Hey ya'll, I've considered applying for a job at The Citadel Military College after I graduate. Beyond the basic job description and qualifications, what are some of the unique aspects of working there? And what should I expect from the working environment, given its a military college? Any insight would be super helpful!

5 months ago

At The Citadel Military College, you'd be joining an environment steeped in military tradition, discipline, and values. This institution is different from standard public or private colleges, and you should prepare for an environment that supports and fosters the development of principled leaders. If you appreciate structure, discipline, and strong community values, you'd likely find working there satisfactory.

You'd be involved in upholding the school's core values that include honor, duty, and respect. Regardless of your desired role, faculty and staff are all committed to the overall growth and development of the cadet students. Being a mentor might be embedded in the job role itself.

Moreover, being a military college, The Citadel adheres to a highly regulated system. This translates into strict dress codes, tightly scheduled days, and high standards of conduct. If you appreciate a well-structured environment, you'd likely thrive in this setting.

The students at The Citadel are also different from those at traditional colleges. They're cadets, undergoing rigorous leadership and military training, alongside their academic studies. The challenges they face are unique and demanding, and their needs differ compared to students at non-military colleges.

This aspect may add another layer of complexity and demands to staff roles. It might mean stepping up to offer guidance, leadership, or support, and understanding where these cadets are coming from in terms of stress level, commitment, and expectations.

For example, if you plan on taking an instructor role, teaching methods would typically integrate academics with leadership development. A residential life counselor, on the other hand, might need to cope with unique discipline issues linked to the institution's code of conduct or traditions.

Bear in mind, though, that everyone's experience is unique. I would recommend reaching out directly to staff or faculty at The Citadel for a first-hand perspective. This can provide you more tailored insight into the job, the working environment and culture, and how to prepare for success there.

5 months ago

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