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Choosing right colleges for military psychology?

Hey guys, I'm considering going into military psychology after high school but I'm unsure how to start the process. Does anyone know of any universities that are especially strong in this academic field? What are some considerations I should keep in mind while searching? Thanks!

5 months ago

Selecting a college for a specialized field such as military psychology can indeed be an involved process – it's great that you're looking ahead and planning! To start with, you can consider universities that have strong general psychology programs, as this will generally form the basis of your studies. Institutions such as Stanford, Yale, UCLA, and the University of Pennsylvania are often rated highly in this respect.

Delving deeper, you may want to look for universities that offer specific courses or concentrations in military or forensic psychology. Schools such as Adler University, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, and Nova Southeastern University are known to offer specialized programs in these fields. It's also beneficial if these schools have connections with military institutions for internships or practicum placements.

Another factor to consider is whether the university supports ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps) programs. While it's not a requirement for becoming a military psychologist, it could provide valuable experience and insight into the military culture, which is a significant facet of military psychology.

Remember, you'll need to pursue an advanced degree (usually a Ph.D. or PsyD) in psychology to become a licensed psychologist, so you might also want to consider the track record of these universities in placing students into reputable grad schools.

Finally, consider reaching out to current students or faculty in the schools you're interested in. They can provide firsthand insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the program, and help you determine if it's a good fit for your goals.

Let me know if there's anything else you're curious about!

5 months ago

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