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Any Texas colleges offering assistance for military kids?

I'm an Army brat, a rising junior in high school. With my parents being in the service for a while, I was wondering if there are any Texas colleges or universities that provide any assistance or scholarships specifically for military kids? Are there certain forms to fill or people to approach for this kind of support?

3 months ago

There are indeed a variety of Texas colleges and universities that offer assistance or scholarships specifically for military dependents. A good place to start can be the college's financial aid office, as they can provide specific information about institutional aid and any state or local resources that might be available.

Several Texas universities are part of the "Yellow Ribbon Program," a provision of the GI Bill that can help cover the cost of tuition and fees that exceed the maximum state cap for public schools or that aren't fully covered by the Post-9/11 GI Bill at private institutions. Participating schools include Rice University, University of Houston, Baylor University, and Texas Tech, among others.

In addition to the Yellow Ribbon, Texas has the "Hazlewood Act," allowing veterans and their dependents to receive up to 150 credit hours at public universities in Texas tuition free. This won't cover fees or housing, but it's still a significant benefit.

Furthermore, a few individual Texas colleges have their own scholarship programs for military dependents. For instance, the University of Texas at Arlington offers the Maverick Military Family Scholarship specifically for dependents of U.S. military service members or veterans.

Remember, you can stack multiple types of aid, so be sure to explore all your options including federal and outside scholarships. Always keep an eye on the deadline for each scholarship application and make sure to provide all the required documents.

In terms of approaching someone for support in this process, many high schools have a school counselor who can assist, and all colleges have a financial aid office that can provide specific information on how to apply for these benefits.

3 months ago

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