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Does Arkansas offer college benefits for disabled military veterans?

Hey there, one of my relatives is a disabled veteran who's planning to go back to college in Arkansas. I've heard that some states offer significant college benefits for disabled veterans. Is that true for Arkansas? What kind of benefits or programs does the state offer?

5 months ago

Yes, Arkansas does in fact offer a few key educational benefits for disabled veterans. One of the main programs designed to assist qualified veterans is the Arkansas Department of Veteran Affairs' Military Dependents Scholarship Program also known as MDS. Though the title mentions 'dependents', the veterans themselves are also eligible for it. Based on the current guidelines, the level of veteran's disability needs to be at least 100 percent due to service-related activities or be classified as unemployable by the VA, for the veteran to qualify. If eligible, one can receive benefits which may cover tuition, mandatory fees, and room and board at a public school. However, there are certain limits on the amounts for each of these components.

Another notable program is the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) program, a federal initiative managed by the VA. This program is specifically designed for veterans with a service-related disability. It can help cover costs related to college or other forms of training. Its primary aim is to help veterans prepare for, find, and keep suitable jobs. It can also help them start their own businesses or get independent living services.

Remember, it's crucial that your relative thoroughly investigates the requirements, obligations, and exact benefits of both the programs before deciding on any one of them. Always feel free to contact these agencies directly to get the most accurate, up-to-date information.

5 months ago

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