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Do military dependents from Georgia get college application fee waivers?

Hello, all! I'm a dependent of a military service member, living in Georgia. I heard rumors about a college application fee waiver for military dependents. Can anyone confirm this and possibly guide me on how to avail this facility?

5 months ago

Yes, military dependents can potentially waive college application fees under certain circumstances. It primarily depends on the particular college's policies and the student's financial situation.

To begin, the College Board offers fee waivers to low-income families, which can be used in four college applications. Some military families can definitely fall into this category, particularly if they have multiple dependents or are living on a single income. If you've received an SAT or ACT fee waiver, you automatically qualify for college application fee waivers which can be used for up to four colleges.

In addition to that, Georgia is home to Hope Scholarship and the Zell Miller Scholarship for residents who have demonstrated academic achievement. The Georgia Student Finance Commission is a great resource for these types of state programs.

Finally, many colleges and universities have their own policies regarding military dependents, so it could be beneficial to reach out to the admissions offices of the colleges you're interested in applying to. Let them know of your status as a military dependent and ask if that would entitle you to a fee waiver. In my experience, many institutions are understanding and accommodating when it comes to military families.

Just remember: each university/college has its own policies and application processes for fee waivers, so make sure to do diligent research and reach out to them for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

5 months ago

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