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Small colleges with solid English programs?

Hello, everyone. I am a junior in high school looking to major in English, and I thrive better in smaller learning environments. Can any of you recommend some small colleges that are renowned for their English programs?

5 months ago

Sure, there are several smaller colleges that are known for strength in English and literature programs. Here are a few that you might find interesting:

1. Amherst College in Massachusetts is a small liberal arts college that has a strong English department. The English major at Amherst is quite flexible and allows students to delve into areas of interest such as creative writing, literary translation, and literary theory.

2. Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania has an excellent English Literature program. The department offers a wide range of courses, covering numerous periods, locations, and themes with a focus on critical and creative thinking.

3. Oberlin College in Ohio also offers a vibrant English program that combines traditional literary study with creative writing and cinema studies for a broad, comprehensive curriculum.

4. Bowdoin College in Maine has an English department that emphasizes the reading and thoughtful discussion of significant works of literature. They offer courses in a wide range of literature, from classic to contemporary.

5. Williams College in Massachusetts offers an English major with options for concentration in creative writing or literary studies. There's a significant emphasis on writing and many opportunities for independent study and collaboration with faculty.

6. Middlebury College in Vermont may also be a great choice. The college is well-known for its strong language programs and provides an English and American Literatures major known for fostering analytical and creative thinking skills.

These are just a few examples. I highly recommend visiting each college's website or speaking with an admissions officer to get a better idea of the specific curriculum and department culture at each school. Remember to also consider fit in terms of location, culture, and other factors outside of academics. Hope this is helpful and best of luck with your college search!

5 months ago

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