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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Getting in Touch with Coastline Community College as a Potential Military Student

Hello! I'm a high school rising junior and I am pretty set on joining the military post high school. I've been researching colleges that accommodate military personnel and one of them is Coastline Community College. Does anyone know how to get in touch with them? I am looking for their office address in order to send them some queries via mail.

5 months ago

Sure, I can assist you with this. If you'd like to communicate with Coastline Community College and you're specifically interested in their Military Programs, the college's Military Student Advisor's Office is a sound starting point.

Here's their mailing address:

Coastline Community College

Military Student Advisor

11460 Warner Ave

Fountain Valley, CA 92708

Remember, before sending anything by mail, you might want to give them a call or send an email first, to inquire about the type of information they would require from potential military students. This can make the correspondence more efficient and ensure you're providing exactly what they need from the start.

You could also consider attending a military student orientation or talking to current/former military students at the college to get a feel for the institution and its programs. This can help to deepen your understanding of the school and clarify any queries you may have about their military-friendly policies.

5 months ago

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