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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Military-themed college merch?

So, I'm a rising junior in high school with a keen interest in the military and also super into college swag. I've seen some military-style college hats being sold, but I'm not sure where to look for them. Any suggestions?

5 months ago

It's awesome that you're looking to combine your interest in the military with your love for college merch!

Many universities have stores, sometimes available online, where they sell their merchandise and often these stores include military-themed or at least military-colored merchandise. These stores are usually owned and run by the university.

You might consider looking at bookstores or merchandise shops of colleges that have a significant ROTC program, as these colleges may carry military-themed gear. Also, schools with strong military traditions, such as Texas A&M or Virginia Tech, often have these kinds of items available.

In addition, carefully review college websites or contact their student services departments to inquire about where to find military-themed merchandise. If there's not a physical location, they can direct you to online stores.

But remember to always double-check where your money is going when purchasing college merchandise, especially themed merchandise. Some third-party vendors may not financially support the universities whose logo they are using for their products, while others have a contractual agreement with the institutions and do provide them with a portion of the revenue.

I hope this helps, and happy shopping!

5 months ago

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