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CLEP Exams and Coastline Community College Military Program

Hi there! Service in the military is one of my options after high school, and in my college search, Coastline Community College popped up. I know that there are CLEP exams that could earn me some credits. Is that something that Coastline Community College recognizes? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

5 months ago

Hello! Yes, you're correct. Coastline Community College, like many colleges, does credit for CLEP (College-Level Examination Program) exams, which indeed can be a good way to gain credits.

It's important to remember that receiving credit can vary based on the score you earn on the CLEP and the specific policy of the college. Coastline has a clearly outlined policy about the minimum score required for each CLEP exam to gain credits.

The Coastline Community College also has a strong military program, including online classes and specialized support for military and veteran students. They are considered to be a 'Military Friendly School', which means they have services and programs specifically tailored for service members.

This could make Coastline an excellent choice if you're considering options after your military service, or even if you're looking to balance your military service with your education ambitions. As always, I recommend you reach out to their admissions department or the specific department for military students for the most accurate and detailed info. Best of luck with your decision!

5 months ago

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