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Best Schools for Fashion Majors?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior and thinking about going into fashion design, but I'm not sure where to apply. Can anyone share their experience or knowledge on the best colleges for fashion majors? Any info on their programs or resources would be awesome! Thanks!!

5 months ago

Hi there! I'm glad to see you're considering a career in Fashion Design. It's a very creative and exciting field!

Now, onto your question. There are several schools renowned for their fashion programs. Keep in mind that what constitutes the 'best' depends largely on personal fit, available resources, the school's reputation, and alumni network in the industry.

One of the most notable schools for fashion is the Parsons School of Design, part of The New School in NYC. It offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fashion Design, has a legendary reputation, and an impressive track record of alumni who have launched successful careers in the industry. This program emphasizes a thorough grounding in artistic concepts, design skills, sustainability, and you also have the opportunity to specialize in a specific area, such as accessories or advanced tailoring.

Another school that often comes up in conversations about fashion is the Fashion Institute of Technology, also in NYC. Here, students can earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Fashion Design through a well-rounded program that includes components of liberal arts study, critical thinking, and gaining a global perspective.

Then there's Central Saint Martins in London, which is known internationally for its fashion program. If you're considering schools overseas, this could be an excellent option. They boast a strong reputation and have alumni that include successful designers like Stella McCartney and Alexander McQueen.

Also, don't forget about schools like the Rhode Island School of Design, Savannah College of Art and Design, and the Pratt Institute. They might not be as renowned as Parsons or Central Saint Martins for their fashion programs, but they offer robust and wide-ranging study opportunities.

Last but not least, if you're interested in both fashion and business, consider the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania for its dual major in Business and Design Arts. It allows students to explore fashion design and gain crucial business skills, catering to those who want to work in fashion house management or create their own brand.

Choosing a school is a personal decision and depends on many factors uniquely important to you. So it's a good idea to research each of these schools thoroughly: look at their programs, course offerings, faculty, internship opportunities, location, and resources. Schedule informational interviews or attend info sessions if you can. Doing so will help you make an informed decision about the best fit for you.

I hope this gives you a good starting point. Good luck!

5 months ago

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