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Military Credits at Cochise College

So, I've accumulated some educational credits during my time in the military and I'm thinking about transferring these to Cochise College. Has anyone else had experience transferring military credits to Cochise? How's the process like?

5 months ago

Many colleges, including Cochise College, do allow you to transfer educational credits from your military service, following evaluation of your Joint Services Transcript (JST). This transcript contains information on your military occupational experience and training history, and translates these into corresponding college credits.

Typically, the process involves requesting your JST from the appropriate military service branch and then submitting it to Cochise College. The college will evaluate the transcript to determine how many credits you can receive and how these credits may apply towards your intended degree. Usually, credits might apply to general education requirements or electives, depending on your specific military training.

It's important to note that colleges can vary in terms of how they accept and apply these credits, so it's beneficial to communicate directly with Cochise College's admissions or registrar's office to understand their policies and procedures. They can guide you on the next steps and help maximize the credits you've earned during your military service.

I've heard from many students who've been through similar experiences and most of them mention it's quite a straightforward process once you understand the steps involved, but again, direct communication with the college's office should be your first port of call.

5 months ago

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