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College Admissions and Military Credits

Hey folks! I'm coming out of military service soon and I have quite a few educational credits I've earned during my service. Do any of you have experience with colleges that are particularly accepting of military credits? I really want to make sure the time and effort I've put in isn't going to waste. Thanks!

5 months ago

It's great that you're aiming to transfer your military credits towards your college degree!

Colleges can typically grant transfer credit for military training or coursework if it's been recommended for academic credit by the American Council on Education (ACE). Most American colleges and universities are ACE members and recognize credits recommended by ACE.

One possible place to start is schools that are part of the Service members Opportunity Colleges (SOC) consortium. These colleges have committed themselves to easing the transfer of relevant course credits, providing flexible academic residency requirements, and crediting learning from appropriate military training and experiences.

Moreover, check out higher education institutions with dedicated military and veteran programs. They are more likely to recognize the significance and applicability of your military training credits.

Keep in mind that it can depend not just on the school, but on the specific program you're interested at the school. Make sure to communicate with a university's veteran services department or an admissions officer, show them your Joint Services Transcript or Community College of the Air Force transcript, and see whether your programs of interest might accept your military credits.

It's a good idea to apply to several colleges and compare their credit evaluations side by side. Good luck with the transition!

5 months ago

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