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Going from Military to College Sports

Hey everyone, I've been considering doing my time in the military after high school, but I still want to play collegiate sports afterwards. Anyone with personal experiences or insights? How feasible is it to jump into the athletic scene after a stint in the service?

5 months ago

It's absolutely feasible to play college sports after serving in the military, and you'd be surprised by the number of servicemen and servicewomen who have done it! Interestingly, the discipline, mental clarity, and physical conditioning acquired during military service can often benefit the athletic prowess of student-athletes.

However, it's essential to remember a couple of things:

Age: Depending on the sport and level of competition (Division I, II, or III), playing college sports after a stint in the military might mean you're older than your teammates, as most are typically in their late teens to early twenties.

Eligibility: The NCAA has specific rules about the age of participants and timelines for athletic eligibility. Make sure to check the requirements and restrictions for your sport. Generally, as far as the NCAA is concerned, your eligibility clock would start ticking one year after you leave high school, and it pauses during your active military service.

Lastly, remember to keep up with the sport or sports of your choice during your time in the military. Regular training and practice will help you to maintain your skills and fitness level.

But all things considered, going from the military to college sports is a transition that many people have navigated successfully. If it's something you're passionate about, it's certainly worth pursuing, just be ready to put in the work. As a side note, you may already be aware that some military academies have excellent athletic programs themselves.

5 months ago

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