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Online College during Military Service?

Yo, anyone familiar with the concept of online college whilst being in the military? Is that even a thing? Would it be a manageable way to further my education while serving?

5 months ago

Hey there! Absolutely, it's possible to pursue an online college degree while serving in the military. In fact, many service members do this as it gives them the flexibility to manage their studies alongside their military commitments.

One of the benefits of online learning is its flexibility. You can engage with your coursework during your off-duty hours and work at your own pace. This can make it easier to accommodate the demanding and unpredictable schedule of military service.

The U.S. Department of Defense has a program called Tuition Assistance (TA) that provides financial assistance for voluntary off-duty education programs in support of service members' professional and personal self-development goals. The program will cover tuition expenses for accredited courses.

What's more, there are several military-friendly colleges that offer online programs specifically designed for active duty military personnel. These schools often provide military-specific support, simplified admission processes, transfer credits for military training, and counseling services to help navigate using GI Bill benefits.

Remember, though, that while online courses offer flexibility, they still require commitment and self-discipline. Balancing military service and studies can be challenging, so it's important to have a clear plan for managing your time and responsibilities. To get a better idea, you might want to reach out to other service members who have completed college courses while serving to hear about their experiences.

Overall, earning your degree while serving is definitely achievable and it can be a great opportunity for personal and professional development. Good luck!

5 months ago

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