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Popular College Degrees Among Former Military Personnel

Hi, guys! Wondering if anyone knows about common college degrees for those who have served in the military. Are there certain fields of study that vets tend to gravitate towards?

5 months ago

Yes, there certainly are! Many veterans often lean towards college degrees that allow them to utilize the skills they've developed during their service. These include leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, and considerable domain expertise in certain areas.

Firstly, degrees in Business or Business Administration come up frequently. These degrees are appealing because they are versatile, opening up many career paths in various industries. The skills learned in the military such as strategic thinking, attention to detail, and managing resources can often transition well into a business environment.

Secondly, many veterans also gravitate towards Criminal Justice or Security Studies. This falls in line with the nature of their previous jobs, and allows them to build on the skills and knowledge they've already gained.

Additionally, degrees in Health Care or Healthcare Administration are also not uncommon for veterans, especially for those who worked in healthcare roles in the military. These could include roles like medics or nurses, so this transition makes a lot of sense.

Engineering is another field into which many veterans venture. This is particularly true for veterans who had technical roles in the military.

Lastly, many veterans also choose to study Psychology, sometimes with the intent to provide support for other veterans or—and this isn’t limited to Psychology—allied fields like Social Work.

But keep in mind, the right degree ultimately depends on the individual's interests, long-term career goals, and the skills they've developed during their service. Each person's journey is unique!

5 months ago

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