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Which Colleges are known for their Military History Majors?

Hi! I'm a huge history geek and my primary area of interest is military history. I've been thinking of pursuing this passion academically. So anybody got any recommendations for colleges that have strong military history programs? Thanks in advance!

5 months ago

Absolutely, there are several universities renowned for their strong Military History programs:

1. The United States Military Academy at West Point: West Point has one of the oldest and most respected history departments in the country, with a particular emphasis on military history. Cadets take two required courses in military history and there are a variety of other military history electives available.

2. The Ohio State University: OSU has a dedicated Military History program at the undergraduate level, which is relatively rare. In addition, it is well recognized for its graduate programs, with a number of the faculty members being widely renowned in the field.

3. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: UNC has a strong history department and offers a variety of courses on military history. Their focus spans across contexts and eras, from ancient times to the present day.

4. University of Wisconsin-Madison: UWM features a number of faculty members who have made influential contributions in the field of military history. Their course offering is vast and diverse.

5. King’s College London: If you're considering international institutions, King's College has the Sir Michael Howard Centre for the History of War, a leading research center for War studies.

Make sure to thoroughly research these programs to ensure they align with your specific interests within military history!

5 months ago

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