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Juggling roles: Military wife and college education?

Hey everyone. My partner is thinking about enlisting, and I'm planning to go to college. Any tips or advice on managing both roles as a military spouse and a college student? Must be tough. Thanks!

5 months ago

Absolutely, it's quite a challenge to balance being a military spouse and a college student, but it's definitely doable with the right plan. When it comes to managing the two roles, here are a few tips:

1. Time Management: Proper organization and time management is key. Allocating specific time slots for studying, family responsibilities, and personal time can help ensure everything is balanced.

2. Flexible Study Options: Online or part-time study might be a good option. They can be more flexible than traditional full-time programs and might be easier to fit into a busy schedule. Just make sure to check the accreditation of the institution.

3. Social Support: Look for support groups both within your college and within the military community. These groups can provide a wealth of resources and are often a source of comfort with individuals going through similar experiences.

4. Dependent Scholarships: There are many scholarships and grants available for military spouses. Make sure to explore the various financial aids available to you. FAFSA application for federal student aid is a great place to start.

5. Communication is key: Regular and open communication with your partner can also help in handling both roles. Understand that your partner might be deployed during your academic journey and plan accordingly.

6. Counseling services: Universities usually have student counseling or wellness centers that offer support and resources for managing stress and balancing responsibilities. It's important to utilize these services when you need them.

7. Transferability: If you're anticipating moving around a lot, consider studying with institutions known for ease of credit transfer, or those with widespread campuses or strong online programs.

Remember, while it might seem daunting at first, countless military spouses have successfully juggled both school and family duties. It's just about finding what works best for you.

5 months ago

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