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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How can military dependents from Virginia avail of college application fee waiver?

Hey there! I am a high school student based out of Virginia and my parent is in the military. I wanted to know if any of you know whether I would be eligible to receive a fee waiver for my college applications. Thank you for any help in advance!

5 months ago

As a military dependent, you are potentially eligible for college application fee waivers. Many colleges and universities across the U.S. offer application fee waivers for military dependents as well as for applicants demonstrating financial need.

One prevalent way to obtain a fee waiver is through the College Board, the organization that manages the SAT. When you take the SAT, you may receive fee waiver codes that you can use when applying to colleges. Be aware that the distribution of these codes is based on financial need.

For military dependents, it may help to directly contact the admissions offices of the colleges where you'll be applying. Some schools offer specific assistance programs for military families, including application fee waivers.

In your home state of Virginia, the Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant (VTAG) can provide financial assistance, which can effectively offset application fees, though it doesn't directly offer fee waivers.

Remember to discuss with your high school counselor, who can help explore other potential fee waiver opportunities based on your specific circumstances and the colleges you are interested in. Good luck with your college applications!

5 months ago

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