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Partaking in College Sports After Military Service

Hi guys, I'm curious if anyone has experience or knowledge about playing college sports after serving in the military. Is it a feasible option?

5 months ago

Absolutely, it is a feasible option to play college sports after serving in the military. In fact, many student-athletes have successfully made this transition. The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association), NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics), and NJCAA (National Junior College Athletic Association) all have provisions in their eligibility rules that account for military service.

The important factor to remember is the clock rule. For the NCAA, once you've enrolled in college, your eligibility clock starts and you have five years to play four seasons in your sport. However, your clock stops for the time you're enlisted in the military, so those years won't count against your eligibility.

The NAIA has a more generous ruling. Their athletes are given two semesters of attendance and 24-credit hours before their clock starts, and similar to NCAA, time spent in the military does not count against their competitive eligibility.

Similarly, NJCAA has a rule that stops your eligibility clock during military service.

Each organization has specific rules and regulations, so it's crucial to get in touch with their eligibility center if you have any specifics in mind. You might also consult with the college's athletic director or sports coach to get additional guidance.

To further support your athletic and academic journey, make sure to take advantage of your GI Bill benefits which can help fund your education. A transition from military service to college athletics is definitely achievable with the right planning!

5 months ago

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