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Scholarships for Books - Are there any for Military Persons Looking to get into College?

Hey all, I know I would need a good bit of textbooks when I go to college after serving, and wanted to see if there were any scholarships specifically for textbooks applicable for us in the military?

5 months ago

There are indeed several scholarship resources available, some of which are specifically designed for military personnel looking to transition to higher education.

You may want to look into scholarships geared toward military service members and veterans. For example, Scholarships for Service is a resource that connects you to various scholarships based on your military service and personal characteristics. While these scholarships may not be strictly for textbooks, they can often be used to cover these types of college expenses.

There's also the Post-9/11 GI Bill, which is a U.S. government program to help veterans and military personnel finance their post-secondary education. The bill covers up to 100% of tuition and fees, based on your length of service, at many colleges and universities. Importantly, it also includes a stipend for textbooks and school supplies, which you could utilize specifically for your book needs.

Another resource you might consider is the Yellow Ribbon Program. It can provide additional financial assistance for education costs that the Post-9/11 GI Bill doesn't cover. Again, while it's not exclusively for books, the funds can certainly be applied in this way.

Lastly, the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and many other military and veteran organizations offer scholarships and grants that could help cover the cost of textbooks.

Remember, it's always best to reach out to the financial aid office of the schools you're interested in to explore all available options. They can provide information on specific scholarships and grants they might have for military veterans. Keep in mind that while many scholarships might not explicitly state they're for textbooks, often the funds they provide can be used for any education-related expenses.

5 months ago

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