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Online College Classes while in the Military

Hello everybody! A career in the military is my likely route after high school, but I have a strong desire to continue learning. Is it possible for someone enlisted in the military to take college classes online? Would love some advice!

5 months ago

Absolutely, it's possible to take online college classes while enlisted in the military. In fact, it's a common path for many individuals looking to continue their education while fulfilling their military service duties. This offers flexibility as you can take courses from anywhere, and the class schedule can work around your military responsibilities.

The Military Tuition Assistance Program (TA) is a significant benefit, covering up to 100% of tuition costs for eligible service members. Each military branch has its own TA terms, so it's worthwhile to understand the exact guidelines of your specific branch.

You can enroll in an accredited online university program, which offers a variety of degree options ranging from Associates to Masters and beyond. Some popular online universities among service members include Arizona State University, University of Maryland, and Pennsylvania State University.

Before enrolling, you should check if the institution is a part of the Department of Defense Memorandum of Understanding (DoD MOU) program. Colleges and universities that are part of this program are familiar with military-specific needs and have committed to providing certain protections for military students.

Keep in mind that you'd need to manage your time efficiently. Balancing military duties along with the educational workload can be challenging. It's recommended to start with a light course load to gauge what you can handle.

Starting your college education while enlisted is a great way to take advantage of the educational benefits available to service members, and also to transition more easily into civilian life when your service is complete. The experience will not only further your education, but also provide a broader perspective that could be beneficial in your military career. Good luck!

5 months ago

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