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How do college courses work while enlisted in the military?

Hey guys, I'm a high school junior, considering joining the military after graduation. But I also want to go to college. Does anyone know how college courses for military personnel work? Can I study while being in the military?

5 months ago

Yes, it's possible to take college courses while enlisted in the military. Many military personnel pursue their education this way.

First, you could use the Tuition Assistance (TA) program, which is available to active duty, National Guard, and Reserve Component service members. The TA program pays up to $250 per semester credit hour, with an annual maximum limit. You would apply for TA through your branch of service.

Next are online courses. Most universities now offer a variety of online programs that can be completed at your own pace. This is especially useful for military personnel who may be stationed in different locations or have varying schedules.

Another opportunity is the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) for members of the Air Force. This institute provides associate in applied science degrees and other academic credentials to meet the career needs of Air Force enlisted personnel.

There are also military-friendly colleges that offer special programs and benefits for service members. These colleges often have flexible scheduling options and distance learning programs designed specifically for military personnel and their unique lifestyle.

Finally, the GI Bill is a valuable resource for military personnel wanting to pursue further education. The Post-9/11 GI Bill offers benefits for service members and veterans attending education and training programs taken at accredited colleges. It can cover full tuition and fees at public in-state institutions or up to a certain annual amount at private or foreign schools.

Remember to consult with your military education counselor or base education office to navigate the best path for your educational aspirations. They can offer significant help in determining which option is best for you.

5 months ago

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