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ACE Credits for Military Experience

Hey, I'm curious about the ACE (American Council on Education) system for translating military training into college credit. Can anyone detail how this works? Any tips would be appreciated!

5 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to explain how this works! The American Council on Education (ACE) has a longstanding partnership with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to review military training and experiences and recommend appropriate college credit for those experiences.

Here’s how the process typically works:

1. Transcripts: Firstly, you have to request your military transcript. These transcripts include detailed, course-by-course information on all of your military experiences.

2. ACE Military Evaluation Program: Through the program, the ACE conducts a review of military training/experience to determine if it has collegiate level content and then provides an equivalent recommendation.

3. Credit Recommendations: Each of your military experiences will have an accompanying ACE transcript that details the credit recommendations, in terms of credit hours, the level (lower, upper, or graduate), and subject area.

4. School Evaluation: You submit your ACE transcript to the college or university where you are enrolled or are applying. The institution then evaluates whether and how much credit will be granted. The ultimate decision lies in the institution’s policies.

In terms of tips, one of the most crucial is to understand each school’s policy towards this type of credit. Not all schools accept ACE credits, and among those that do, the amount and type of credit can vary. Also, it would be beneficial to connect with the Veterans Affairs (VA) office or similar resource on campus. They often have staff members who are experienced in working with students from a military background and can guide you through the process.

Also, be sure to keep copies of all of your documents. These kinds of transcripts can be important not just for school, but for future jobs and certifications, too.

Remember, your experiences in the military have given you a wealth of knowledge and skills, and ACE college credits are a fantastic opportunity to make these transfer to an academic setting!

5 months ago

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