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How do College Credits and Military Rank Correlate?

Hi there! I've been looking into a military career. I've been hearing that your rank can potentially earn you college credits. I'm still a little hazy on the details - can someone provide more info on this? Does your rank really affect your college credits?

5 months ago

Yes, your military training and experience can definitely translate into college credits, which is a great way to leverage your military service towards your education. Let me clarify a bit on how this works.

Firstly, the American Council on Education (ACE) collaborates with the Department of Defense (DoD) to review military training and experiences, and recommend them for college credit. This is based on factors like the content, duration, and intensity of your training or job specialty, rather than your military rank. The ACE then provides colleges with guidelines regarding how much and what type of credit could be awarded for these experiences.

For example, if you've been trained as a medic in the military, those medical skills and training could translate into credits for a nursing or medical-related program at a college. Or let's say you've undergone leadership training in the military. This could translate into management or leadership credits in a business program.

However, it's essential to note that the transfer of these credits is ultimately at the discretion of the individual colleges. Institutions vary wildly in how they handle such credits. Some are very generous, while others may be more restrictive. Therefore, it's important to check with the specific college you have in your mind.

Moreover, the Joint Services Transcript (JST) is a document that details your military occupational experience and training and how many college credits have been recommended by ACE. When you plan to go to college, your JST could be an invaluable document for understanding what your military service has gained you in terms of potential college credits.

So, while your military rank itself may not affect your college credits directly, your military experiences and training certainly can. It's a great way to advance your education while capitalizing on your valuable military experience.

5 months ago

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