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Comparing College Credits Earned through Military

Hello! I'm torn between joining different branches of the military and I've heard they offer varying amounts of college credit for your service. Does anyone have any insight on which branches might offer more educational benefits?

5 months ago

While the amount of educational benefits can vary by branch, it largely depends on the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) or job performed in the military, as the acquired skills might correlate more directly with college credits. It's also important to note that the process to translate military training to college credit is somewhat complex and can vary greatly by college or university's policies.

All military branches use the Joint Services Transcript (JST) system, which maps military training to its potential college credit equivalent. This system can help you determine how effectively your military training might be translated into college credits. However, the final decision regarding credit transfer rests with the institution that you attend.

In terms of branches, it's important to keep in mind that all service members, regardless of the branch they serve, are eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill. This bill covers up to full tuition and fees at public in-state institutions, and up to around $25,000 at private or out-of-state schools. Furthermore, it provides a housing allowance and stipend for books and supplies. You also have the option to transfer benefits to a dependent, if eligible.

Moreover, the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps offer Tuition Assistance programs that can provide funding for courses you take during your service. The Air Force and Space Force have a similar program called the Air Force Tuition Assistance program. Additionally, the Army has the College Loan Repayment Program, which can repay part of your federal student loans.

So, while an exact determination of which branch offers more educational benefits can be hard to pin down, you have to consider the Post-9/11 GI Bill, Tuition Assistance programs, and potential college credit from military training. It may be beneficial to speak directly with a recruiter from the branches you're considering for personalized information.

5 months ago

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