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Earning College Credits from Military Experience: How does that work?

Hi! I will be joining the military soon and I've heard that I could earn college credits from my military experience. Can anybody explain how this works and to what extent?

5 months ago

Hello there! Yes, it's definitely possible to earn college credits from military experience, which can be a huge advantage! Here's how it generally works:

Your military training, occupation, and experiences can be translated into academic credit by the American Council on Education (ACE). ACE collaborates with the Department of Defense (DoD) to evaluate military training and experiences and recommend equivalent college credits for those.

You will get a Joint Services Transcript (JST) which details all your military coursework and occupations, listing college credits recommended by ACE. This transcript is available for most members of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guard.

Once you have your transcript, you can submit it to the college or university you're interested in. That institution will then evaluate your JST and decide how many, if any, credits your military experience equates to in terms of their academic offerings.

However, it's important to note that each institution has its own policy regarding awarding credit for military experience. Some institutions may grant you more credits than others, and some may not grant any at all, depending on your specific experience and their policy.

Also, keep in mind that even if a school offers you credit for your military experience, these credits may not necessarily apply towards your specific degree requirements.They might instead count as elective credits.

So, it's a great idea to discuss with the admission or veteran affairs office at your prospective schools how they handle ACE recommendations and credit for military experience. This way, you'll have a clearer understanding of how many credits you could potentially earn and whether these will help you fulfill specific degree requirements or just serve as elective credits. Best of luck with your military service and future educational endeavors!

5 months ago

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