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College Credits from Military: How to Transfer them?

Hello there! I completed some military service and heard it might carry some college credits. How do I go about transferring these credits to a college, if they exist?

5 months ago

Absolutely, your military training and experience can count towards college credits, so kudos on wanting to make the most of them! The process involves a few steps:

1. Get your transcripts: Your first action point is obtaining your transcript that reflects your military training and experience. The respective branches of the military have their own transcript services. For example, the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard use the Joint Services Transcript (JST), while the Air Force uses the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript.

2. Choose your institution and program: Once you have your transcripts, you need to identify the college and program you're interested in. Different colleges have varying policies and procedures on how they evaluate and grant credit for military experience. Speaking to an academic advisor at the college or checking the institution's military/ veterans service page on their website can give you more information about the process.

3. Submit your transcripts: Once you've decided which institution you want to apply for, submit your transcripts to that institution's admissions or registrar's office using their provided procedures.

4. Understand the evaluation: The credits you may receive depend on the academic policies of the institution, the degree plan, and how your military training aligns with the curriculum. Typically, the college's Registrar’s Office or Transfer Credit Office will evaluate your transcripts and determine how many, if any, credits can be transferred in.

Remember, there might be a gap between what you've learned and the requirements for your college degree. These gaps may need to be filled through additional coursework.

Good luck with your college journey and thank you for your service to your country!

5 months ago

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