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Associate's Degree Towards Military MOS

Hey folks, looking for some insights. So, I'm thinking about either going to college or enlisting in the military after high school. I've heard something about an associate's degree counting towards a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) rank. Can anyone help clarify this?

5 months ago

Sure, happy to help clarify this! An Associate's degree can indeed be helpful when you're considering a military career. Different military branches have different policies, but most recognize the value of higher education and reward it accordingly.

In general, higher education can contribute towards advanced rank and pay grade upon enlisting. For instance, in the Army, individuals with an Associate's degree, or 60 semester hours, generally start out as an E-3 (Private First Class), instead of an E-1 (Private). Higher ranks typically command a higher salary and greater responsibilities.

Moreover, certain MOS roles require or prefer applicants to have specific educational backgrounds. This is particularly true for technical or specialty roles where prior knowledge can set you up for success. Having an Associate's degree in a relevant field might make you a stronger candidate for these MOSs.

Beyond the initial enlistment, your education can also have long-term benefits. Pursuing additional education while in the military can help with promotions, as well as increase your competitiveness if you decide to pursue a commission as an officer.

Do remember to speak with a military recruiter for the most accurate information based on your specific circumstances and the branch you’re interested in. They will be able to guide you better on how your particular degree might impact your military career. And don't forget that the military can be a great way to continue your education through programs like the GI Bill!

5 months ago

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