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Options for US Military personnel stationed in Germany?

Hey everyone, I've been wondering about continuing education while serving. Does anyone know if there are colleges located on US military bases in Germany? And if so, what's the application process like?

3 months ago

Absolutely, there are indeed colleges and universities that provide educational programs on military bases in Germany, and various other overseas locations, to cater to the needs of military personnel and their dependents.

One example is the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC), which has standalone education centers on bases. They offer both undergraduate and graduate degree programs and certificates. The application process is similar to that of other universities, but with additional resources and supports tailored for military personnel.

You'll need to fill an application form, which might include details about your educational history and military service. Some schools might also require placement tests, especially for specific courses. These institutions understand military life, so they often provide a lot of flexibility with course scheduling and online class options.

Remember, you may be eligible for tuition assistance, which is a benefit offered to active-duty military personnel. The Department of Defense (DoD) provides up to 100% tuition assistance for college courses taken by active-duty personnel.

The process can vary slightly between institutions, but they're all aimed at providing education that fits in smoothly with your military commitments. To start the process, reach out to your base's education office. They'll be equipped to give you all the specific details you'll need. They can guide you regarding available programs, admission process, use of military benefits for education, and more.

3 months ago

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