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Opinions on online colleges for military?

Hey guys, I'm considering doing online college while serving in the military. Can you guys recommend any reputable colleges that offer online programs tailored for military servicemen and women?

3 months ago

For military personnel considering attending college while on active duty, there are a number of online colleges with programs developed specifically for members of the military. Check out a few recommended options below:

1. Penn State World Campus: Pennsylvania State University's online platform offers more than 150 accredited undergraduate, graduate, and professional education courses, making it a good choice for servicemen and women of varied educational interests. Penn State World Campus has long been recognized for its commitment to military-affiliated students and offers numerous services and resources for military students.

2. Arizona State University (ASU Online): ASU has consistently been ranked among the top schools for military members due to its extensive selection of degree programs and concentration options. Flexible scheduling and accessibility are highlights of ASU's online programs.

3. University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC): It was specifically designed to cater to the needs of military personnel and their families. UMGC is part of the University System of Maryland and offers several online undergraduate and graduate programs.

When choosing an online college, look for ones that offer comprehensive student support services, flexible scheduling options, and industry-relevant programs, as well as participation in the Yellow Ribbon Program and tuition discounts for military members.

Remember that no matter which college you choose, you should ensure that it is regionally accredited. This ensures the quality of your education and that your credits would likely transfer to other institutions, should you choose to switch schools at some point.

3 months ago

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