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Engineering Colleges that Accept Military Credits?

Hi everyone, I obtained some tech credits from my military service and I'm interested in studying Computer Engineering. Know of any great institutions that would accept my military credits for an engineering program?

3 months ago

Sure, several colleges have a policy of taking into account military training and experience for credits, which can be a fantastic way for you to continue your education after serving. However, it's important to understand that each college has its own specific policy on this, and the exact number and type of credits that they would accept can vary widely.

The American Council on Education (ACE) works with the Department of Defense (DoD) to review military training and experiences and recommend equivalent college credits. Many institutions across the country accept these recommendations, which can give you a head-start in your degree. However, these credits are often treated as elective credits and may not directly apply to your Computer Engineering degree requirements.

Arizona State University (ASU) stands out in its commitment to supporting veterans and active-duty military students. They accept ACE credit recommendations and could be a good option for your Computer Engineering degree. ASU offers a Bachelor of Science in Engineering with a focus on Software Engineering.

Likewise, University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) has a strong military affiliation and also accepts military credits. Notably, UMGC offers a Bachelor's degree in Computer Networks and Cybersecurity that may align with your career goals.

Colorado State University has an excellent reputation for working with military personnel. They offer many engineering programs, including a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering.

Lastly, the University of Southern California (USC) is another institution to consider, as it also accepts military transfer credits. USC has an excellent engineering program through the Viterbi School of Engineering, including the Computer Engineering and Computer Science program.

As always, make sure to reach out to the admissions teams at these universities to confirm the acceptance of your precise credits and understand how those credits might fit into the engineering program you're aiming for.

3 months ago

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