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Medical Training Credits in College Admissions?

Hi, I've gathered some medical training credits in the military. Just curious, are there colleges that would accept my military medical training as college credits?

3 months ago

Absolutely, many colleges and universities offer credit for military training, which they evaluate on a case-by-case basis. However, it's important to know that accreditation varies between schools.

The first step is to request a copy of your military transcript, either through the Community College of the Air Force (for Air Force Service members), or the Joint Services Transcript (for Army, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard service members).

These transcripts will itemize all of your training and experience, which colleges will review to determine what might count as credit. Often, military training aligns with vocational or technical courses, plus general elective credits. For medical training specifically, it could potentially apply towards a health sciences or nursing program, depending on the extent and nature of your training.

Some institutions are more military-friendly than others, with well-established policies of accepting military training for credit. Schools that are members of Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) are more likely to offer credit for military training. Furthermore, the American Council on Education (ACE) maintains recommendations about what types of military training should be considered for credit, so colleges that follow these recommendations may be more likely to count your training.

Finally, make sure to inquire specifically about your situation as you reach out to admissions offices at the colleges you're interested in applying to, as processes and transferability can vary. They may be able to provide advice or point you to further resources to help understand how your credits might transfer.

3 months ago

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