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Colleges matching military tuition assistance - How does it work?

Hi! So, I've heard about colleges that match military tuition assistance. Does anyone have any experience with this or have a list of colleges that do it? Also, how does the matching process actually work? Is it a dollar-for-dollar match or something different?

3 months ago

Sure, happy to clarify this for you! Military Tuition Assistance (TA) is a benefit offered to active-duty military members, which covers the cost of tuition up to certain caps. For instance, the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard offer up to $250 per semester hour, capped at $4,500 per year. The specifics of the benefit can vary depending on the branch of service.

Some colleges and universities have additional programs where they match or supplement the TA to help cover additional costs. This is typically done through programs like the Yellow Ribbon program, or through institutional aid specifically for military members.

In the case of the Yellow Ribbon Program, for instance, schools agree to forgive a portion of the tuition that the TA doesn't cover, and the VA matches the amount. It's not always a dollar-for-dollar match between the school and the military TA itself, but between the school and the VA.

For example, if your tuition is $20,000 per year, but your TA benefit and the GI Bill together only cover $15,000, a Yellow Ribbon school might agree to waive $2,500, and then the VA would match that additional $2,500, effectively covering the whole cost.

Remember, not all schools participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program, and some that do have limited availability. Always confirm with the school's financial aid office or veterans' services coordinator.

Besides the Yellow Ribbon Program, some schools may offer their own grants or scholarships to military personnel, which can supplement the TA. These usually require separate applications and are not necessarily matching funds, but they can be helpful in covering additional costs.

Hope this helps clarify things! If you want to find schools that participate in the Yellow Ribbon program or offer specific military aid, it would be best to check on the Department of Veteran Affairs website or directly with the schools you're interested in.

3 months ago

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