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Are there colleges that offer free tuition for military dependents?

So my mom's in the military and I'm currently trying to work out my college plans. Do you guys know if any colleges offer free tuition for kids like me? Free or discounted would be great. Any info would be appreciated, thanks!

3 months ago

In many states, public colleges and universities offer reduced or free tuition for dependents of active-duty military members as a way of honoring their service. The precise details and eligibility requirements can vary by state and by institution, so it’s best to look into the specific schools you’re interested in to get the most accurate information.

One of the most comprehensive programs is the Post-9/11 GI Bill's Transfer of Benefits option. Service members who meet certain criteria can transfer some or all of their education benefits to their dependent children. This can cover tuition and fees, give a monthly housing allowance, and provide a stipend for books and supplies.

Another option is the Fry Scholarship, available to children of service members who died in the line of duty after September 10, 2001. Like the Post-9/11 GI Bill, this covers full tuition and fees at public colleges and universities, a monthly housing allowance, and a books and supplies stipend.

Don't forget to explore different scholarships that are specifically designed for military dependents. One example is the Scholarships for Military Children Program, which is funded through contributions from manufacturers and suppliers of products sold at military commissaries. They offer scholarships of $2000, and the number of recipients varies each year.

Depending on where you wish to enroll, some colleges have their own scholarships for military dependents. Getting a list of scholarships from your college's financial aid office could be beneficial.

Keep in mind the information above should only serve as a starting point in your journey. It's essential to research each program thoroughly and understand the specific requirements and benefits. Good luck on your college search and application process!

3 months ago

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