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Ideas on colleges that offer military history programs?

I'm a junior with a strong interest in military history, and my dream would be to study this in college. Does anyone have suggestions on colleges that offer solid programs in military history?

3 months ago

Many colleges offer robust history programs that contain military history courses or concentrations. This could be a great fit if you're looking to delve deep into this specialized history area.

Ohio State University (OSU) boasts a strong history program, and military history is one of its distinct specializations offered, with more than a dozen graduate and undergraduate courses focused on this discipline.

Norwich University, The Military College of Vermont, offers a BA in History with a concentration in War and Society that might align with your interests. This field of study merges military history and social history to understand how warfare and societal issues interact.

Finally, the U.S. service academies, including the U.S. Military Academy (West Point), the U.S. Naval Academy (Annapolis), and the U.S. Air Force Academy, offer programs in military history or related fields such as strategic studies. These service academies often provide a unique perspective on military history due to their deep institutional knowledge of the military's inner workings and history.

Please remember that the focus of these programs can vary. You should evaluate each prospective program to see if they align well with your specific academic and career goals. Furthermore, admission to these programs can be competitive, so you might want to balance between your dream schools and other programs that equally offer solid military history courses.

3 months ago

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