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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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GI Bill and College Start Dates?

Hey, guys. So, I'm planning to utilize the Military GI Bill when applying to colleges and I was wondering if there are any that start in August? Looking for a great head start! Any experiences?

3 months ago

Absolutely, many colleges in the United States start their Fall semester in August. While there can be slight variations between different schools, this is usually mid to late August. For example, schools like the University of Southern California (USC), University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin), and the University of Michigan (UMich) all typically begin their Fall semesters in late August.

Regarding the GI Bill, it's great to hear that you're planning on using it for your education. The Post-9/11 GI Bill can be a fantastic way to cover tuition and fees, provide a housing allowance, and even provide a stipend for textbooks and supplies. Just ensure to apply for it, and check if the schools you're interested in participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program, which can add further financial support beyond the GI Bill's base benefits.

One thing to be cautious about is that the GI Bill funds may not arrive immediately, so it's essential to have a budgeting plan in place to handle initial expenses at the start of your semester. You should also communicate with the financial aid office of the schools you're looking into to understand how they handle GI Bill funds.

Remember, each school will have a designated School Certifying Official (SCO) who can help you navigate using your GI Bill benefits in college, negotiate the timing, and potentially bridge any gaps between your start date and when funds are disbursed. Reach out to them to ensure a smooth transition and efficient use of your benefits.

3 months ago

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