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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Veteran-Friendly Colleges in Pennsylvania?

So, I'm a military vet and planning to apply for a college in Pennsylvania. Any input on schools that provide good support for military veterans over there?

3 months ago

Sure, there are a number of colleges in Pennsylvania that offer strong support structures for military veterans. The Penn State System is one such example that comes to mind. They have Veteran Affairs offices on multiple campuses and offer services like veteran-specific orientation programs, academic support, and access to their Office of Veteran Programs, dedicated to serving student veterans.

The University of Pittsburgh is another option. Their Office of Veterans Services provides a comprehensive range of support services for veterans. They offer assistance throughout the enrollment process, guidance with benefits from the GI Bill, and connecting veterans with the larger community on campus.

Additionally, Temple University in Philadelphia has been recognized for its comprehensive veteran services and has an entire office, the Military and Veteran Services Center, dedicated to offering support including tutoring, mental health resources, and career services to its veteran students.

Lastly, Villanova University in Villanova is worth considering. They offer the Yellow Ribbon Program to assist with tuition and fees for veterans. Their Office of Veterans and Military Service Members also provides a broad range of services to help make the transition to civilian life as smooth as possible.

Remember, when looking at colleges as a veteran, you want to consider not only veteran-friendly policies but also if the school offers any specific programs or degrees you're interested in. You can also check out CollegeVine's tool to compare different schools on basis of various factors including student life, academics, and more.

3 months ago

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