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Colleges that Credit Military Service?

Stressed and wondering if there are colleges that accept all military credits? Would save me a lot of time in achieving my degree.

3 months ago

Absolutely, there are many colleges and universities that are military-friendly and value the experiences and training servicemen and servicewomen receive during their active service time.

Among the institutions that are known for being particularly supportive of veterans and very likely to accept military credits are American Military University, University of Maryland Global Campus, Thomas Edison State University, and Excelsior College. These schools are part of the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) consortium, a group of colleges and universities dedicated to helping servicemembers and their families get college degrees. Members of the SOC consortium are committed to easing the transfer of relevant course credits, providing flexible academic residency requirements, and crediting learning from appropriate military training and experiences.

However, please be aware that transferring credits, whether military or otherwise, is a case-by-case process and depends on how well the skills and knowledge gained in the military overlap with the academic content of the degree program. Therefore, while these colleges strive to maximize your credit transfer, not all military credits may be applicable to your specific degree plan.

A good starting point would be to request a Joint Services Transcript (JST) if you were in the Army, Navy, Marines, or Coast Guard, or a Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript if you were in the Air Force. These documents will list your military coursework, occupations, and skills, along with corresponding American Council on Education (ACE) credit recommendations, which are widely accepted by many colleges.

Finally, when selecting a college, make sure to consider not just credit transfer, but other supports for veterans such as dedicated advisers, active student veteran organizations, and other resources.

I'd advise reaching out to the Veteran Services or Admissions departments of colleges you're interested in to discuss your situation further and assess the potential for credit transfer!

3 months ago

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