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Colleges that Use the Military College Admissions Application?

Quick question. Is there a list of colleges that use the military college admissions application? It's challenging to find specific info regarding this matter.

3 months ago

Respondent: Sure, let's clear this up.

The 'military college admissions application' you're referring to doesn't exist in the way the Common Application or the Coalition Application does. Instead, each of the U.S. service academies have their own separate application processes. Here are the five U.S. service academies:

1. U.S. Military Academy (West Point, NY)

2. U.S. Naval Academy (Annapolis, MD)

3. U.S. Air Force Academy (Colorado Springs, CO)

4. U.S. Coast Guard Academy (New London, CT)

5. U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (Kings Point, NY)

To apply to these, you'll need to meet their unique requirements, which often include obtaining a nomination typically from a member of Congress, physical fitness tests, medical exams, and more. As such, researching each one's specific process is key.

Also remember there are other colleges which have Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs, university-based programs aiming to train commissioned officers. These aren't separate colleges, but programs within existing universities. They involve military science courses and training alongside your normal degree courses.

In case you're seeking a military-related education outside of the service academies, you may want to look into institutions like the Virginia Military Institute, The Citadel, or Norwich University which provide a military-style education but have more traditional college application processes.

This information should give you a place to start. Good luck with your research and applications!

3 months ago

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