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Seeking colleges with military nursing programs

Hey! I'm a junior thinking about my future career path, and I want to combine my passion for helping others with an interest in the military. Do any of you guys know which colleges excel in military nursing programs?

3 months ago

You're on a commendable path, combining a desire to serve with healthcare is a fantastic way to contribute! Now, several colleges and universities offer excellent military nursing programs.

1. Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU): They offer an undergraduate nursing degree that prepares you to serve as an officer in the military health system. They have a reputation for producing high-quality graduates who are ready to go directly into roles with the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Public Health Service.

2. The ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps): They have programs in many colleges across the country, including nursing tracks. The nursing students in ROTC programs often have their tuition covered and then serve in the military after graduation. Schools with notable ROTC nursing programs include Villanova University, University of Portland, and Georgetown University.

3. Salute to Nurses programs: Schools like Thomas Edison State University have programs dedicated to educating students who wish to commission as nurses in the military.

4. Direct Commission: Consider pursuing your nursing degree at a university with a strong nursing program, then apply for a direct commission into the military. In this route, you'd complete your degree and then apply to serve as a nurse in one of the military branches.

Remember to research each program comprehensively and ensure it aligns with your career goals and interests. Good luck!

3 months ago

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