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Looking for colleges with military science degrees

Hey guys! I have strong interest in military science and I was wondering if anyone knows about colleges that offer strong programs or degrees in this field. Any help would be much appreciated!

3 months ago

Absolutely! There's plenty of schools out there with great military science programs, which often form part of Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC). Here are a few that you might want to look into:

1. Norwich University, based in Vermont, is known as the birthplace of the ROTC program and offers a well-regarded Bachelor's degree in Military Science.

2. The United States Military Academy (USMA) at West Point is definitely worth considering if you're interested in a career in the armed services. Admittance here includes a 5-year service requirement after graduation, but provides a top-notch education coupled with military training.

3. Virginia Military Institute (VMI) provides a unique education experience where military life and college education are combined. They offer a minor in military science that complements other majors.

4. Texas A&M University has one of the largest ROTC programs in the nation and also offers a military science minor.

5. Eastern Kentucky University has a comprehensive Military Science and Leadership program that prepares students for service in the military, government, or private sector.

When selecting a program, remember to consider how military service fits into your long-term plans as some of these programs do come with service commitments after graduation. I would also recommend visiting these campuses physically or virtually to get a feel of the environment and military culture. Finally, be sure to speak with an admissions counselor or academic advisor to understand the curriculum and requirements of the program of your interest. Good luck with your search!

3 months ago

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