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Colleges with military intelligence and national security major?

Hi everyone! I'm a high school junior looking ahead at my college options and I've developed a strong interest in military intelligence and national security. Does anyone have recommendations of colleges that offer a major in this area?

3 months ago

Sure, I can offer you a few recommendations! These universities have relevant programs:

1. Georgetown University - Known for its outstanding School of Foreign Service, Georgetown offers a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service with a concentration in Security Studies. This program can be a perfect fit for you as you'll get to study both military intelligence and national security.

2. American University - It offers a degree in International Relations with a specialization in U.S. Foreign Policy and National Security.

3. Pennsylvania State University - Penn State has a Bachelor's in Security and Risk Analysis - Intelligence Analysis and Modeling option which emphasizes on developing skills to design, evaluate, and implement security and intelligence systems.

4. Johns Hopkins University - A unique program is the Bachelor's degree in Global Security Studies, which focuses on international and national security issues.

5. Norfolk State University - NSU provides a Bachelor's degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Cybersecurity, a relevant field for modern military intelligence and national security.

6. George Washington University - You can pursue a Bachelor's in International Affairs with a concentration in Security Policy.

Remember, regardless of where you end up, employers and graduate programs will be looking at the total portfolio of your experiences including internships, study abroad, research papers, language skills, etc., not just your major. Good luck with your search!

3 months ago

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