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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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The Academics at the College of Military Science?

Hey, I'm a high school junior considering the College of Military Science for my post-secondary education. Can you guys help me understand the kind of academic rigor there? What about the faculty, workload and opportunities for advanced research? I'm basically trying to understand if it's a good fit considering my strong interest in military science.

3 months ago

The College of Military Science typically offers a rigorous curriculum that is quite dense and challenging. Courses often require intense study, replete with practical applications that help students understand diverse aspects of Military Science like strategy, leadership, international relations, and military operations. Typically, the program is structured to maintain a high level of academic rigor to prepare students for their future military or civilian careers.

As for the faculty, most instructors usually have considerable experience in the military, which can provide students with unique insights and real-world applications of their coursework. While specifics can depend on the institution, most professors are often eager to engage with students, fostering a supportive environment that encourages intellectual exploration.

When it comes to the workload, you should be prepared for a significant amount of study both in and out of the classroom. Military Science often involves technical and theoretical aspects demanding comprehensive understanding. Balancing this with the physical training components of the program can be challenging but rewarding for students committed to a career in this field.

Regarding research opportunities, these generally depend on the specific institution and program. However, students often have the chance to conduct applied research or participate in independent study focusing on different aspects of military operations, strategy, or history. Make sure to explore the specific research opportunities available at the College of Military Science you're considering to understand how they align with your interests.

In conclusion, if you're interested in a rigorous academic curriculum that combines theory, practical application, physical training, and possibly some research, then the College of Military Science could be a great fit for you. You should consider reaching out to current students or alumni from the program to get a personalized understanding of the academic life in the college.

3 months ago

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