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Dealing with Non-Attendance due to Military Service at College of Southern Idaho?

Okay, here's my situation: I've been considering attending the College of Southern Idaho while also being in military service. But what happens if I get called for duty during the semester and can't attend classes? Do they have a non-attendance policy for military personnel? Any explanations or related experiences would be super helpful!

3 months ago

It's great that you are trying to balance college education and military service. It's indeed possible, yet it might come with hurdles, as you anticipated. The College of Southern Idaho, like many other schools, has policies in place to accommodate military personnel.

It is crucial to remember that schools are guided by the Service-members Opportunity Colleges (SOC) consortium, which assists personnel who may need to transfer credits due to deployment, among other reasons. Most institutes also have policies to protect their students in the military. Typically, these policies will allow you to withdraw without academic penalty if you are called into active duty. You may receive a full refund of tuition and fees, or given the option to complete the coursework at a later date, depending on the timing and duration of your military service.

Since every institution has unique policies, it is recommended to reach out to the College of Southern Idaho's registration or military liaison office to get the exact details of their procedure. They approach each situation on a case-by-case basis to provide the best possible solutions for their students. You should also confirm whether your financial aid would be affected, especially if you are a recipient of military education benefits.

Additionally, you may approach your military unit; they might have helpful guidance or resources about balancing service and education.

No matter what, it is crucial to inform your professors or academic advisers as soon as possible, if you're called for duty. This way, they can support your learning process and might be able to provide options like incompletes, later exams, or other accommodations. You might be surprised at how supportive academic institutions can be for military personnel juggling service and education.

Given that, while military service would likely cause some disturbances to your college studies, a number of mechanisms are in place to ensure it doesn't disrupt your goal for higher education completely.

3 months ago

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