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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How military-friendly is Columbia College?

Hello! I've been looking into schools that are military-friendly and Columbia College popped up. Before I apply, does anyone have any experiences they could share about how friendly they actually are to military students? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

While the specific details can differ depending on individual experiences, Columbia College generally has a strong reputation for being military-friendly. On a tangible level, the school is a participant in the Yellow Ribbon Program, which offers further financial support to veterans beyond the assistance provided by the Post-9/11 GI Bill.

The institution also offers a generous credit transfer policy for military training and service, potentially giving you a head start in your academic journey. In terms of academic flexibility, there are online options for many programs, which can be an advantage for active-duty students or those who might be called for deployment.

Support-wise, Columbia College offers veteran services, including specialized counseling and advising. There's also a commitment to fostering a community for military-affiliated students. For example, they have a university-affiliated student veterans group that sponsors various events and activities.

Remember, the experience can still vary from person to person, and I would suggest reaching out to the college's veterans affairs office or talking with current military-affiliated students for an accurate feel of the support provided.

3 months ago

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