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What policies does Columbia College SC have for military students?

Hey, so I'm in the military and I'm considering going to Columbia College SC. I was wondering, does anyone know if they have any specific rules or allowances in place for those of us in the military?

3 months ago

Columbia College in South Carolina has dedicated support for military students, recognizing their particular needs and challenges. They have a Military and Veterans Service Center, which provides academic and support services to all active duty service members, veterans, and military dependents.

One of the main policies that could benefit you as a military student is the flexible attendance policy. Understanding that military duty often compromises the ability to attend classes regularly, the college has a flexible policy to allow for missed classes due to military needs or deployment. However, you're expected to coordinate with your professors to make up for missed coursework.

Another significant policy is the tuition assistance. Columbia College SC participates in the Tuition Assistance (TA) Program, which covers a significant portion of tuition costs for active duty military students. Keep in mind that you will need to apply through your military branch to get approval for TA.

The college also supports the Yellow Ribbon Program, which can offer additional financial assistance to veterans who are 100% eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill.

Furthermore, there are military-specific scholarships available. You might want to check with the financial aid office to explore these options.

Lastly, Columbia College SC grants credit for military training and experience, aligning with the American Council on Education (ACE) recommendations. This recognition of your military training can lessen the number of courses you need to graduate.

It's important to reach out to their Military and Veterans Service Center for detailed and personalized information because individual circumstances may vary. They're there to help ensure your success during your time at the college.

3 months ago

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