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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How military-friendly is Columbia Southern University?

Hi! Been in the military for a while now and I'm contemplating further education. I came across Columbia Southern University and was wondering how military-friendly this college is. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

3 months ago

Columbia Southern University (CSU) is indeed considered a military-friendly school. They have several programs and options specifically designed for servicemen and women.

Firstly, they offer a military tuition discount for active duty, veteran, and reserve servicemembers, which can significantly reduce the financial barrier to further education.

In addition to the general support, CSU offers flexible learning options beneficial to military servicemembers. Their courses are fully online, which is ideal for military members who may be stationed remotely or transitioning between locations.

Another beneficial aspect is that their terms start every week, unlike traditional colleges that have specific start dates throughout the year. This gives more flexibility for military personnel who may have different or unpredictable schedules.

CSU also accepts a sizable amount of transfer credits from military training and education, thus potentially shortening the time required to complete a degree.

In terms of support services, CSU has a dedicated military support team that provides guidance and assistance tailored to the needs of military students. The team helps students navigate everything from admissions to educational benefits.

Although it's always beneficial to speak directly with the college and possibly current student veterans for a first-hand perspective, Columbia Southern University does seem to have a robust package of services and accommodations for military students.

3 months ago

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